
Online scientific writing program

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Event Details

Friday, August 21st 2020 @ 3:00 PM IST

  • Session 1 — Responding to reviewer comments effectively
    After submitting your paper to the journal, preparing to deal with peer review is the next point of focus. Peer review is not the only thing that decides whether your manuscript will be accepted — your responses to peer review comments are even more critical to shaping this decision! While a revise-and-resubmit” decision can be quite stressful for authors, responding effectively to peer review comments can be your sure gateway to publication success. This session shares a strategic approach to comprehensively respond to the requests of the peer reviewers and journal editor and thus trigger faster acceptance of your manuscript. (60 minutes)
  • Session 2 — Science communication: Lay summary writing & Research News story writing
    Lay summaries are short accounts of research that are meant for a general audience. In this session, the trainer will help you understand what lay summaries are, how they are used, and why they are very important for research. Participants will take away very definite guidelines for writing lay summaries and be able to address challenges while writing them. Participants will also understand how to write a news story based on the latest research findings. The session will be particularly useful for researchers who want to engage with the public and make research accessible. (40 minutes)
  • Q&A session: Attendees can post relevant questions which will be answered by the speaker/​s during this segment. (20 minutes)

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