
15th National Research Scholars Meet in Life Sciences

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The graduate student fraternity of Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC) organises an annual conference, the National Research Scholars Meet in Life Sciences (NRSM) which stands for the motto by the students, for the students”.

The conference aims to promote a robust research network across the country and has successfully gathered popularity and prestige among the student community from diverse fields of biological sciences since its inception in 2005. Over the years, NRSM has involved scientists and research scholars from different areas of life sciences to discuss and brainstorm new ideas concerning their scientific interests. It helps to bridge the gap and foster the dynamics between the faculty and the student communities, thereby promoting scientific growth. Government agencies and private companies have generously funded our event.

The NRSM is now stepping into its 15th year. This year, through the theme Need of the hour: To seek new doors or knock the ones in sight, NRSM aims to provide a unique platform where scientific community and clinicians belonging to Cancer and Infectious disease biology to have talks, debate, and discussion on whether we as scientist should ask new questions based on curiosity or delve deeper into the already existing problems in the society.

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