
Scientist Positions at CDFD

 Hyderabad, Telangana


The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD; www​.cdfd​.org​.in), Hyderabad is a premier autonomous R & D Institute of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, which provides services in DNA fingerprinting and diagnosis of genetic disorders, and undertakes high quality basic research in different areas of modern biology.

Applications are invited for SCIENTIST positions from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers with an excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements, along with requisite experience, a high degree of motivation, and desire to lead a research group in different areas of modern biology.

For more details check http://​www​.cdfd​.org​.in/​R​c​r​t​m​n​t​s​/​A​d​v​t​_​S​S​_​2​2​0​2​0​0​9.pdf

To Apply

To fill out the online application click http://​cdfd​.org​.in/​a​p​p​s​/sci/

Note: please fill out a separate application for each post in case you qualify for more than one available position. 

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