Childcare Grants

IndiaBioscience understands the dual challenges of balancing childcare arrangements and participating in meetings for professional advancement. 

IndiaBioscience will offer childcare grants for the YIMs for a select number of YIs, PDFs, mentors, speakers, organisers, and resource personnel. 



A selected YIM 2025 applicant (Young Investigator/​Postdoctoral Fellow), speaker, mentor, co-organiser, resource personnel, or workshop trainer (irrespective of gender) can apply for this grant as parents/​legal guardians.

The grants can be utilised towards childcare arrangements (as described below) for children under 12 years, however, this limit is flexible on a need basis. There is no age limit for children with special needs.


The IndiaBioscience childcare grant will provide support up to a maximum of INR 15000 per grant.

This can cover expenses towards the travel fare of the child and/​or a caregiver to bring the child to the meeting/​or for childcare costs (daycare, nanny) for the duration of the meeting.

    Applicants seeking support for more than one child can apply in the same form.

    Please note: Owing to limited number and availability of rooms at the hotel, single accommodation rooms cannot be provided to YI and PDF participants. 

    How to apply

    For YIs and PDFs: After you have been intimated of your selection for YIM 2025 (end-October), you can apply to this childcare grant using the form below (by 30 November 2024).

    For mentors, speakers, organisers, resource personnel, or workshop trainers: Once you have accepted the invitation to be a part of YIM 2025, you can apply.

    To apply: Please fill the IndiaBioscience Childcare Grants form.

    You will be requested to share the age and date of birth of the child and a short description of the need for the childcare grant.

    Please keep an AADHAR card/​any other government-specified document as proof of age of the child when filling out the form.

      Please contact us at yim2025@​indiabioscience.​org for clarifications or questions. 


      • The childcare grant applications will be reviewed and selected applicants will be informed by end-December 2024.

      • The childcare grant funds will be provided as reimbursement after the meeting upon the submission of bills/​boarding pass or other documents as proof of payment of travel/​expenses incurred for childcare facilities.

      • The funding support via this grant will be in addition to the travel support (if any) provided for attending the meeting.

      • The childcare grant is unable to cover expenses other than those stated above (other than the travel of the child or caregiver and childcare costs during the duration of the meeting).

      • The safety of the childcare facility (if near the venue of the meeting or at another location) or verification of the childcare provider (if hired) is solely the responsibility of the applicant/​attendee/​participant/​parent. IndiaBioscience bears no responsibility towards the arrangement beyond the fund provided for the childcare grant.

      • We encourage YIM 2025 attendees and participants of all genders to apply for this grant.

      The YIM 2025 childcare grants are co-supported by IndiaBioscience and EMBO.