We have compiled a list of FAQs to address common queries about the YIM 2025. If your question is not covered here, feel free to email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.


When does YIM begin?

For PDFs: If you have been selected for the YIM as a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF), you are expected to attend the meeting from 03 – 07 March 2025. You arrive before lunch on 03 March and leave after lunch on 07 March 2025.

For YIs: If you have been selected for the YIM as a Young Investigator (YI), you are expected to attend the meeting from 03 — 05 March 2025. You should arrive before lunch on 03 March and need to check out on the morning of 07 March 2025.

The meeting starts post lunch and accommodation will be provided from noon of 03 March (check-in time is 15 hrs but we will try to allot the rooms based on availability. 

If you are a mentor, institute director or funding agency representative, you will be informed of your required dates of attendance via email.

When does the meeting end?

YIM 2025 ends immediately after lunch on 07 March 2025. You are welcome to leave anytime after this. We will not be providing accommodation on the night of 07 March 2025.

Should selected participants attend all days?

All selected participants are required to attend all days of the YIM as per their category. Participants who cannot stay for all days are requested to decline attendance.

What topics will be covered in YIM?

PDFs and YIs will present their scientific work at YIM and receive feedback from their peers. A number of sessions will focus on jump-starting your career in India and strategies to overcome common issues faced by young faculty. There will be lots of opportunities to interact with mentors and directors to get the maximum out of the experience.

Who should attend?

PDFs — Postdoctoral Fellows who are looking to apply for academic jobs in India in the coming year, and who think they will benefit from interacting with Directors/​Heads of Institutions that are hiring. Early-stage PDFs are not encouraged to apply, as the meeting will not be useful for them. 

YIs — Young Investigators with jobs in India who are <5 years into their independent careers can apply for the YIM.

RYIM participants are encouraged to apply in the relevant category.

Why attend YIM?

YIM is a unique meeting, being a blend of science, career discussions, mentoring and networking.

For PDFs looking to start independent careers in India, the meeting is an opportunity to meet several Directors/​Heads of institutes under one roof. Your CVs will be circulated to them in advance of the meeting and you will have the opportunity to meet with them one-on-one to discuss your career goals. 

For YIs who have established themselves in the Indian scenario, the meeting provides a space to discuss strategies to boost productivity and deal with challenges. It is also a space for all attendees to get to know their peers in the life sciences in India and build a strong-knit network.

What are the opportunities for networking?

Several hours each day are devoted to networking sessions, poster sessions and interactive sessions. PDFs will also have a dedicated session with Directors in the PDF Satellite Meeting. Also, since this is a residential meeting and all attendees will be at the venue for the entire duration of the meeting, we encourage you to initiate discussions with your peers, the mentors and others at the meeting. The mentors have dedicated the entire duration of this meeting, and we urge you to interact with them as much as possible.

How do I maximize my output from the YIM?

By networking, engaging and participating in sessions!

What is the Code of Conduct for the meeting?

YIM 2025 is a meeting focused on networking, mentorship and scientific exchange. We value the presence of every attendee and want everyone to have a rewarding experience at the meeting. All attendees are therefore expected to show respect and courtesy towards others throughout the meeting. All attendees are required to follow the Conference Code of Conduct given on our website.

How can one apply to attend the YIM?

All PDF and YI participants at the YIM have to fill out the application form on our website and get through the review process to get selected for the YIM. The application process for YIM 2025 will open on 02 September 2024. The only other participants at YIMs are invited and fall into the categories of Institute Directors, Mentors and Funding Agency representatives. No walk-in attendees are entertained at YIMs.

What is the programme schedule?

Please visit the Programme page for more details.

When are the poster sessions?

Please visit the Programme page for more details on YI and PDF poster sessions. YI and PDF participants at YIM 2025 will have the option to upload digital versions of their posters in an online poster community for dissemination among the participants, mentors, scientists and institutional representatives at YIM 2025.

I cannot attend the meeting? How should I cancel my participation?

We request that you let us know well in advance if you cannot attend the meeting. This will provide a spot for waitlist participants. Please mail us on yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org

Can I transfer my spot to my friend or colleague?

It is not possible to transfer your spot. The selection of attendees is done on the basis of individual applications.

Will I get a participation certificate?

We will have participation certificates to hand out at the event to those who request the certificates.

When will the next YIM take place?

The Young Investigators’ Meeting will be held once a year, usually in the month of February or March. The call for applications for YIM 2026 will open in September/​October 2025.

Is there a template for the experience letter?

To Whom it may Concern

This is to certify that has been working as a in at <University/​Institute name> since and has less than 5 years of starting an independent group. The <University/​Institute name> supports their application towards the Young Investigators’ Meeting 2025.

Sincerely, Signature Date

I attended virtual YIM 2021 and YIM 2022, am I eligible to apply?

Not in the same category


What is the venue for the meeting?

The meeting will be held jointly at Courtyard by Marriott, Agra

Do I have to reserve a room myself?

No, we will take care of the accommodation bookings. Accommodation will be provided on a shared basis for YI and PDF participants.

Where is the accommodation? Do I have to share rooms?

The accommodation is booked at Courtyard by Marriott, Agra. PDFs and YIs are expected to share accommodation. If you are attending the YIM with your spouse or partner (who has also been shortlisted), please email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org requesting shared accommodation.

When should I arrive, and from which date will YIM provide accommodation for me?

PDFs: You are expected to arrive on 03 March 2025 and accommodation will be provided to you at the conference venue from 03 March afternoon (15:00 hrs — check-in time). If you choose to arrive earlier than this, we request you to arrange your own accommodation in Agra.

YIs: You are expected to arrive on 03 March, and accommodation will be provided to you at the meeting venue from 03 March afternoon (15:00 hrs — check-in time) till 06 March morning (as per check-out time).

How do I get to the venue?

Participants should make their own travel arrangements to reach the venue on 03 March 2025. You can find detailed information about various modes of transport here — https://​docs​.google​.com/​s​p​r​e​a​d​s​h​e​e​t​s​/​d​/​1​C​m​v​i​t​Q​D​a​r​l​7​g​a​_​0​8​B​N​_​O​V​l​C​i​-​d​h​o​j​h​9​R​u​m​v​t​z​i​J​4​D​R​Y​/​e​d​i​t​?​u​s​p​=​s​h​aring

What will be the temperature in Agra during the meeting?

The average temperatures are between 12°C and 28°C. You can check www​.accuweath​er​.com for more details closer to the event. While most of the meeting will be in the air-conditioned ballroom, some events will be in semi-outdoor spaces. We request you to bring appropriate clothing to keep yourself comfortable.

Are there accommodations for people with disabilities and those requiring special assistance?

If you have specific requirements, please get in touch with us so we can assign you a convenient room.

Will childcare be provided during the meeting?

There is no facility for childcare at the venue. However, please apply to the IndiaBioscience Childcare Grants as soon as you are intimated of your selection to participate in YIM 2025.

If you are a nursing parent with an accompanying child, we will provide a private space with an electrical supply and wash facilities for you to use. Please email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org to request this.

Is there Internet/wifi access at the Venue?

Yes. We will provide details of the same on your arrival.

I am bringing my family with me to Agra. Where will they be accommodated?

The meeting does not provide any accommodation for family members. Please let us know if you are planning to stay with your family outside the meeting venue so that we can plan our room count accordingly. While we understand that in some cases you might have to travel with family and stay outside the Courtyard by Marriott, Agra we suggest that you stay at the meeting venue to really benefit from the YIM. You can email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.

I am bringing my family with me to Agra. Will there be activities for them to enjoy during the meeting?

YIM 2025 does not have specific activities designed for guests or family members. Family members will not be allowed to sit for the sessions at the YIM or participate in meals. The YIM is a closed conference, by selection/​invitation only. There is plenty to see and do in Agra and the surrounding areas.

I have an allergy or specific dietary restriction. Whom should I contact?

We will do our best to accommodate your dietary needs. Please contact us by email at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org by 15 December 2024.


Which is the closest airport?

Agra (Kheria) Airport, is the nearest airport to Courtyard by Marriott, Agra. The venue is about fifteen minutes drive from Agra Airport and about sixteen minutes drive from Agra cantt station.

By what time at the latest do I have to reach Agra?

PDFs and YIs should reach the venue on the morning of 03 March. The check-in time is 15:00 hrs and the meeting will start at 2 pm on the same day.

Will there be transport arranged from airport?

No. Participants should make their own arrangements from Delhi/​Agra Airport and Delhi/​Agra railway station to reach the meeting venue (Courtyard by Marriott, Agra). You can find detailed information about various modes of transport here — https://​docs​.google​.com/​s​p​r​e​a​d​s​h​e​e​t​s​/​d​/​1​C​m​v​i​t​Q​D​a​r​l​7​g​a​_​0​8​B​N​_​O​V​l​C​i​-​d​h​o​j​h​9​R​u​m​v​t​z​i​J​4​D​R​Y​/​e​d​i​t​?​u​s​p​=​s​h​aring

I am arriving on an international flight, one or more days before the event to India. What do I do?

We suggest you arrange for your own accommodation and reach Courtyard by Marriott, Agra on the morning of 03 March by 12 noon. The check-in time for the hotel is 15:00 hrs, but we will be trying to provide rooms as early as possible.

I am an international attendee, not a citizen of India. How do I obtain a formal invitation letter to submit with my visa application?

Please email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org as well as karishma[at]indiabioscience[dot]org at the earliest.

My visa application was denied. What should I do?

Please contact the meeting team by email at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org as soon as possible.

Do I need to compulsorily book on Air India?

No, you can book Air India or private airlines. But please book via IRCTC or Balmer & Lawrie ONLY. Travel can be reimbursed only if booked via the above means and only for the shortest, economy-fare travel. Please contact the meeting organisers by email at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org for any questions.

I would like to travel by train. What reservation category am I eligible for?

Please book your train ticket via IRCTC in AC/ non-AC reservations but only for the shortest, economy-fare travel. If you are still unsure of the reservation category, please contact us by email at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org for any questions.


Is financial support available?

Yes, we reimburse part of your travel, according to your attendee category at the YIM. 

Support for international PDF participants: The partial travel reimbursement covers the domestic leg of the participants and not the International sectors. 

Both national and international PDFs will get a maximum of Rs. 12000/- or the actual amount, whichever is the lower amount. 

Support for YI participants: Maximum of Rs. 12000/- or the actual amount, whichever is the lower amount. 

Support for Mentors: We will communicate by email with Mentors about travel support.

What is the mode of reimbursement?

We will reimburse you via wire transfer only. The bank details of your account should be provided while filling in the travel details in the travel section of your online application.

When I will be reimbursed?

We shall reimburse you by the end of March 2025.

What supporting document I should provide for reimbursement?

It is a must to submit a physical copy of the onward journey boarding pass when you are at the venue to facilitate your reimbursement (we will not be able to reimburse you if the boarding pass is not submitted). Prior to attending the event you will be required to fill out the travel forms and attach your ticket and signed bank details form.

I need to submit the onward boarding pass to my host institute. What do I do?

We require the original onward boarding pass and the soft copy of the return boarding pass to reimburse your travel.

Whom should I contact for inquiries regarding reimbursement?

You can mail your queries to yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.


I am interested in sponsorship / engagement opportunities? Whom should I contact?

If you are interested in being an engagement partner for the YIM, please contact Karishma S Kaushik, Executive Director, IndiaBioscience at karishma[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.


Should I submit the abstract for the poster/ talk?

The abstract submitted with the application is sufficient. If we think any changes have to be incorporated, we will write to you separately.

I am unable to upload a photo with my application? What should I do?

Recheck the size and format of the photo and try to upload it again. Please upload good-quality photos. If you have trouble, email us at yim2025[at]indiabioscience[dot]org. The photo will be used in the abstract book.

What are the different forms of presentation at YIM 2025 for PDFs and YIs?

POSTERS: All attendees, both PDFs and YIs, will be required to present posters. YI and PDF participants at YIM 2025 will have the option to upload digital versions of their posters in an online poster community for dissemination among the participants, mentors, scientists and institutional representatives at YIM 2025. We will provide more details on this closer to the date.

LIGHTNING TALKS: All PDFs will be required to present Lightning Talks. YIs are not required to present Lightning Talks.

What are the guidelines for poster presentations?

All attendees, both PDFs and YIs are required to present posters at the meeting. You can check the times for poster presentations on the YIM 2025 Programme page.

SIZE: Dimension in 3.5 ft (H) x 3 Dimension ft (W)

AUDIENCE: We advise you to design your poster keeping in mind your audience who will give you feedback and advice and might even be collaborators, and peers (YIs and PDFs) – potential collaborators and future colleagues. Do keep in mind that this is a mixed biology meeting, and many in the audience will not be experts in your subject.

CONTENT: As in a typically academic poster, we suggest you follow the Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion format if you are presenting a study in progress or one that is completed. You could otherwise present a proposed research direction or different research projects you want feedback on. In either case, we advise you to add a short section called Future Directions” that explains the directions you want your research program or group to take in the next few years.

DESIGN: We suggest you make your posters exciting and attractive.

YI and PDF participants at YIM 2025 will have the option to upload digital versions of their posters in an online poster community for dissemination among the participants, mentors, scientists and institutional representatives at YIM 2025. We will provide more details on this closer to the date.

For the in-person Poster sessions at the venue — Please print and bring your posters, we do not have a facility to print the posters at the local venue.

Should I get tags or pushpins for my poster?

We will pushpins, tape and tags at the venue.

When should I display my poster?

At the in-person YI and PDF Poster sessions at YIM 2025 [Please check the programme schedule for the date and venue]. 

In addition, YI and PDF participants at YIM 2025 will have the option to upload digital versions of their posters in an online poster community for dissemination among the participants, mentors, scientists and institutional representatives before YIM 2025. We will provide more details on this closer to the date.

How do I identify my poster board?

All poster boards will be numbered. The poster number corresponds to your number in the YIM 2025 abstract book and will also be found on the notice board at the meeting venue.

What are the guidelines for Lightning Talks?

All the PDF participants need to present their research work in the form of Lightning Talks, each 5 minutes in length. These talks will be presented by all PDFs on Day 4 and Day 5 (please check the programme schedule for more details).

We encourage all PDFs to use the Lightning Talks as an advertisement of their research and to use the 5 minutes to engage Directors and other attendees.

PRESENTATIONS: Presentations will be in alphabetical order and a bell will be rung at the end of your 5 minutes. During your five minutes, present yourself and your work in an Elevator pitch style”. A concept borrowed from the business world, this is a brief, rehearsed statement that describes why someone should hire you or pay attention to your work.

Keeping in mind that there are potential employers in the audience, we suggest the following key points for an effective pitch: 1. Write down, edit and practise your pitch. Keep it concise. 2. Introduce yourself (typically name, position & affiliation). Then quickly go on to pose a question or state a research problem. 3. Describe what motivated your study, and any unique approach or insight. 4. Remember that the pitch is the start of a discussion and not the final word on the matter. If you must present results here keep it brief. The main aim is to give an idea about your research background/​area. 5. Stay casual — the wording and delivery should be conversational. 6. These are key – your descriptions should be a high-level overview, not an unravelling of details. 7. Give a brief overview of your future research program. 

Explain exactly what is the biggest question you are going to pursue in your independent career. 

PDF Satellite Talk presentation sample template — https://​cdn​.indi​a​bio​science​.org/​m​e​d​i​a​/​m​e​e​t​i​n​g​s​/​P​D​F​-​L​i​g​h​t​n​i​n​g​-​T​a​l​k​s​-​n​e​w​.pptx

REQUIRED: You are required to upload your presentation to this Google drive link which will be shared after the selection and you need to submit this by 25 January 2025. Label your slide deck in the manner (Lightning Talk FirstName_​LastName). This will greatly help us in compiling the slides prior to the event. You can upload your slides as a PPT, PDF or Keynote Slides.