At IndiaBioscience, we value our role as a facilitator of professional opportunities for the life science community in India. Towards this, we have been a hosting a dedicated section on jobs, events and grants on our website, along with weekly curations of these opportunities on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram via #ScienceJobsTuesdays.
As the need to better support human resource opportunities for the community grows, we are happy to share the initiation of a dedicated Jobs and Internships monthly newsletter. With a collection of science jobs from across academic, industry and communication, and other professional scientific opportunities, this monthly newsletter will host opportunities for undergraduates, PhD researchers, Postdoctoral fellows, faculty, science communicators, as well as other science professionals.
The newsletter will be sent on the first Monday of each month, and will focus on jobs and internships with openings and/or deadlines in the following month.
How to post a Job or Internship
The three steps to posting your jobs and internships on the newsletter:
- Fill in the Jobs and Internships form: bit.ly/reqjob
- Fill in the details of your organisation: bit.ly/organisationweb
- Write to us at classifieds@indiabioscience.org with ‘For Jobs/Internships newsletter’ in the subject line
We charge a fee of INR 3000+GST per listing.
How to Sign Up
To sign up for the dedicated Jobs and Internships monthly newsletters, please fill this form here.
Contact Us
For queries and clarifications, write to us at classifieds@indiabioscience.org.