
This live online event will be hosted on Zoom.

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To submit your entry for FundaySunday, click here.

About the online event

Date: 5 June 2022

Time: 18:00 — 19.00 IST 

This is an initiative to publicize some fun science communications and take interesting/funny/self-descriptive science near our audiences. Anyone could submit their work here. It could be science illustration/​poem/​song/​dance/​picture or anything that makes subjects in life sciences interesting.

Season 1 of FundaySunday features 24 such interesting entries by scicommers from different backgrounds. You can have a sneak peek at these entries here — https://​indi​a​bio​science​.org/fu…

Season 2 kickstarts with a talk by Mohit Kumar Jolly, Assistant Professor at the Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering (BSSE), IISc Bangalore. Here, he will talk about his research with the help of memes.

Topic: What can cancer cells teach us? Accepting identity crisis and doing improv!

Cancer cells are notorious shapeshifters, i.e. they can change their​‘identity’ reversibly to adapt and evade many challenges (drug treatment, immune system, etc.) and drive metastasis and therapy resistance which cause over 90% of all cancer-related deaths. How do cancer cells switch their states, and how can we prevent them from doing so? In this talk, he will share their journey of getting some answers to these questions, by doing exactly what cancer cells are great at: accepting identity crisis (working across many disciplines) and doing improv (spontaneous appropriate response to one’s environment)

Who should attend

Anyone enthusiastic about learning/​teaching science in a fun way and everyone who is curious to know how science/​research can be combined with memes!


  • 18:00 IST

    Welcome & Housekeeping rules

  • 18:05 IST

    What can cancer cells teach us? Accepting identity crisis & doing improv!

    Mohit K jolly

  • 18:35 IST

    Audience Q&A

  • 18:55 IST

    Concluding remarks


Mohit K Jolly 

Mohit Kumar Jolly is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering (BSSE) at IISc Bangalore. He completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s from IIT Kanpur, and his Ph.D. in Bioengineering at Rice University. Then, he was a Gulf Coast Consortia Postdoctoral Fellow jointly at Rice University and UT MD Anderson Cancer Center before moving to BSSE.


For any queries related to this online event and also to share your ideas ahead of the event, write to hello[at]indiabioscience[dot]org[dot]in