Team Science Grants
DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance
Team Science Grants will fund team of researchers who bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources to address an important health challenge for India. These grants will also fund high-risk, high-reward research work.
Applicants must demonstrate their complementarity, the added value that this collaboration would bring and lead to advances that would otherwise not be possible with individual Principal Investigators (PIs) working alone. The project should be multi-institutional and inter-disciplinary in its approach, with a suitable research management plan and structure.
Though not mandatory, the scheme encourages international collaboration. The projects would require external evaluation at regular intervals, and therefore the proposal should have in-built milestones for evaluation and reporting. India Alliance would also reserve the right to periodically review the funded program, which may include site visits.
Click here for more information.
To Apply
Applications would be accepted online from 16 May 2019 to 17 June 2019. All enquiries about the new programmes should be directed to