
Team Science Grants

DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance


Team Science Grants will fund team of researchers who bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources to address an important health challenge for India.


  • Minimum of three investigators: [1 PI + Minimum 2 Co-PIs]
  • PI should have PhD/MD/MBBS-MS/MPH or equivalent, with at least 5 years of experience in running an independent research group or lab. PI should be working at / willing to relocate to an Indian not-for-profit and financially eligible host institution
  • Co-PI should have PhD/MD/MBBS-MS/MPH or equivalent, with at least 3 years of experience in running an independent research group or lab. Co-PI(s) located at an overseas not-for-profit institution are also eligible for this competition.
  • No more than 2 investigators can be from one institution, and a minimum of 2 institutions should be included
  • There is no age or nationality bar.

To Apply

More Information about the scheme — https://​indi​aal​liance​.org/​t​e​a​m​-​s​c​i​e​n​c​e​-​g​rants

Application format — under Application Process Heading. Please note that due to a few changes in the application forms, the submission deadline has been revised. Applications not in the prescribed format may be declined.

Publicity Webinar : To help you put together a competitive application, the Office will be organizing a webinar for TSG scheme on 02 March 2023 from 4:00pm to 5:30 pm (IST). Click here to register for Webinar

For any queries – team.​science@​indiaalliance.​org

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