Ignite Fast Grant Awards
This is an Open Call for Research Proposals from Investigators working in Indian Universities and Not for Profit Research Institutions to apply for Ignite Life Science Foundation Fast Grant Awards. The Fast Grant Awards are meant to fund new ideas (even if they are unconventional and high-risk) and use the outcomes of the research to triage for a subsequent more substantial round of funding,
They are looking for submissions in the following broad areas of research:
1.Pandemic response
2.Antimicrobial Resistance
The topics are to be interpreted in their broadest sense. They prefer to receive proposals that seek to address a central hypothesis/question. The hypothesis should be testable using a clearly defined experimental approach within the tenure of the Grant. Proposals will be evaluated for originality and potential for future application to health care problems.
For more information on the Ignite Life Science Foundation, click –>
To Apply
The last date for submitting the proposal to is 6 August 2021.
The awards will be announced around 6 September 2021. Any questions on this announcement can be addressed to
The proposal should contain the following sections:
1.Background (1 page) including previous work done in investigator laboratories pertinent to this proposal
2.The question(s) being asked/the hypothesis being tested (1 page)
3.Why is this important (1 page)
4.Experimental approach that will be used (1 page)
5.Possible research outcomes and next steps the outcomes will trigger (1 page)
6.Budget(equipment, people, institution overheads, and consumables)and timelines for experimental plan(1 page)
7.Investigator(s) affiliations and contact details(1 Page)
8.Citations (1 Page)–in support of hypothesis and experimental approach
9.Brief investigator CV and List of FIVE recent publications (2 pages)
For more details click here.