
Affordable Approaches to Cancer


Cancer Research UK and the Government of India’s Department of Biotechnology have partnered to establish a £10 million, 5‑year research initiative focused on finding affordable approaches to cancer.

This innovative initiative will build on the scientific strengths of India and the UK and will catalyse a bilateral multidisciplinary research effort to address the key challenges in affordability in cancer.

Our bilateral Advisory Panel has set seven research challenges under the theme of affordable approaches to cancer. We are calling on researchers in India and the UK to join forces to tackle these challenges.

For more information click here.

To Apply

The Wellcome Trust/​DBT India Alliance, the implementation partner of the initiative, will process applications received. This will include eligibility, administrative and scientific checks before being sent to the Advisory Panel.

In the Shortlisting Meeting, the Advisory Panel will come together to discuss the applications and decide on which teams will receive seed-funding.

Successful teams will be granted seed funding and will be required to develop a full application, over 6 months, for a Programme Award. During this period, an abstract from each teams’ application will be posted on our websites to encourage additional collaboration.

For further information on the application process, please read the following guidance notes:

Seed Funding Application Guidelines

Cost Guidance

Submit your proposal with additional documents to the India Alliance Grants Team by email to cancerchallenges@​indiaalliance.​org using the application form, which is available on the initiative’s webpage.

Please ensure that all the guidance notes (PDFs) uploaded have been downloaded from https://​afford​able​-approach​es​-to​-can​cer​.indi​aal​liance​.org/

For more information click here.

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