Science Undergraduate Research Conference
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Event Details
The 3rd annual Science Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) is fast approaching. APU is currently inviting applications from qualified undergraduate and early postgraduate students from across India! This year, the SURC will take place on December 6th and 7th, 2024, at Azim Premji University, Bangalore.
SURC is perhaps the only event of its kind in India, and is organised around promoting and energizing undergraduate research in the sciences. In particular, the SURC allows research-focused undergraduates/postgraduates from all across India to come together, share their work, get feedback, and find new avenues of exploration and collaboration.
Application is free and the deadline is 31 July 2024. Abstracts selected for student talks and poster presentations will be informed via email by mid September 2024. Participants whose abstracts will be selected will have to pay a registration fee of 1000 INR.
For faculty: As part of the SURC conference, there is an opportunity for faculty to attend a satellite meeting on Pedagogy that will happen one day prior on December 5th, 2024.