
India EMBO Lecture Course | Microphysiological systems: Advances and applications in human-relevant research

Event Details

There has been an increasing awareness in the scientific community regarding the inability of animal models to often capture the complexities of human biology. In the last decade, there have been significant advances in the field of model systems that are based on human biology, including microphysiological systems (MPS). These systems aim to recapitulate the physiology and functions of a single human organ or a network of organs at a smaller scale, such as organoids or organs-on-chip. MPS have often been proposed as the next frontier of human-relevant research in drug discovery and testing. The lecture course will give an overview of the current research of how these model systems are being used to understand human disease and development. It will also cover design considerations, current challenges, setting standards and roadmap for broader adoption and use of these systems. In addition, the course would have networking sessions for early career researchers and students, along with discussions on collaborations, international grants, and entrepreneurship.

Who can apply:-MSc/PhD students, Post-docs, Faculty, Teachers, Industry personnel who are using or planning to use organoids or organ-on-chip systems in their research.

Registration waivers, travel and accommodation grants, childcare care are available for interested participants.

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