
Hands-on-Workshop on NGS data analysis – RNA-sequencing data analysis with R programming

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Event Details

IBAB is organising a hands-on workshop on the analysis of sequencing data from RNA-sequencing experiments using R programming language on the 10th and 11th of June 2019.

The primary focus of the workshop is to give an in-depth understanding of the current methods in the analysis of data from Next Generation Sequencing and the pipelines and tools used in the analysis of RNA-sequencing data using the R programming language. 

The workshop has been planned to provide the participants, a complete hands-on experience on the tools used to analyse the data along with understanding the R programming language.

Target Participants
This course is aimed at faculty, post-doctoral fellows, researchers and technicians who wish to employ RNA-sequencing NGS methods in their work. Ph.D. students/​Post Doctoral Fellows/​JRFs/​SRFs/​faculty involved in relevant research are eligible to apply. The participants are encouraged to bring their laptops which may be useful for downstream processing and visualization of the data.

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