
epiSTEME 10 conference at HBCSE, Mumbai

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The Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education is a National Centre of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India. The broad goals of the institute are to promote equity and excellence in science and mathematics education from primary school to undergraduate college level, and encourage the growth of scientific literacy in India.

The epiSTEME conferences are organised biennially by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education to bring together various stakeholders in education both national and international. We expect a broad audience including science education researchers, policy makers and teachers.

The theme of epiSTEME 10 is Discipline-based education research and this is also a flagship event of HBCSE’s 50th anniversary celebrations. The website gives details about the various themes under which abstracts can be submitted. We also plan to have satellite workshops for teachers and students interested in science education on dates flanking the main conference.

The call for abstract submission is open: https://​epis​te​me10​.hbcse​.tifr​.res​.in/​s​u​b​m​i​t​-​p​a​p​e​r.php

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