
Black Coal / White Cube

Event Details

Join for Black Coal / White Cube, a panel discussion between artists, a social scientist, a curator, and a journalist on the confluence of art, labour, and the mining industry. 

Coal is a combustible black rock — a remnant of past life that emerged from the depths of the earth, and brought limitless benefits to us. Jharkhand, with the largest known coal reserves in India, can be considered a microcosm of the contradictions that a coal-dependent society faces. Here, the mining industry has contributed to modern industrialisation and provided opportunities for employment, but it has also irreversibly damaged the environment. To voice their protest against environmental degradation and exploitation, mining communities have resorted to sit-ins, strikes, and rallies. But there also exists a rich body of cultural expressions ranging from poetry and music to videos and performances that document their experiences. Entangled here is an expression of labourers in the mines, and the labour of the artist creating the work.

Date: Saturday, 16 July, 2022Time: 6:00 PM IST

Register here: https://​bit​.ly/​B​l​a​c​k​C​o​a​l​_​W​h​i​t​eCube

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