12.00 - 14.00
Similar to the earlier editions, this meeting will be divided into two parts. The first part — Young Investigators’ Meeting (YIM) will commence from the afternoon of 6 March 2019. This will feature:
1. Mentor talks by internationally renowned scientists both from India and abroad
2. Panel discussions and breakout sessions on various topics pertinent to young researchers
3. Young Investigator (YI) and Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) poster presentations and group activities with time to interact and network
4. Special Talks
The Postdoctoral Fellows (PDF) Satellite Meeting will begin from 9 March for all postdoctoral attendees and directors/vice chancellors of various institutions and universities. For a day and a half, there will be networking sessions, short talks by the directors/vice chancellors and talks by PDFs. The PDFs also get a chance to present their posters.
PDF participants are expected to stay for the complete duration of the meeting (YIM and PDF Satellite Meeting) from 6 – 10 March 2019, and YI participants to attend the entire duration of the main YI meeting (6−8 March 2019).
DAY 1: Young Investigators’ Meeting 2019
Welcome Note: B Anand, IIT Guwahati
Keynote address by Renu Swarup, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, New Delhi
Mentor Talk 1: Building Local, National and Global Scientific Communities by Ron Vale, UCSF, USA
Mentor Talk-2: Meandering of an enzymologist through genomes, methylomes and acetylomes by DN Rao, IISc, Bangalore, India
Tea/ Coffee
Engaging communities, enabling change - Smita Jain, IndiaBioscience, Bangalore
Talk by DBT, Sahaj Ahmad, DBT
Panel Discussion - 1 Direction of Indian research, Collaborations, Publishing in science | Moderator: Dipyaman Ganguly | Panelists: Dominique Bergmann, Ron Vale, B Ravindran, DN Rao, Satyajit Mayor
YI Poster session (YIs with even numbers present)
Dinner on the lawn
DAY 2: Young Investigators’ Meeting 2019
Special Talk: Why and how to integrate research and education? by LS Shashidhara, IISER Pune
Mentor Talk-3 Making a difference: stem cells, asymmetries and stomata by Dominique Bergmann, Stanford University, CA, USA
Mentor Talk-4 Experimental Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the Laboratory by Amitabh Joshi, JNCASR, Bangalore, India
Mentor Talk-5 Accidental Translation of Science by B. Ravindran, ILS, Bhubaneshwar, India
Panel Discussion - 2 Funding for science in India | Moderator: B Anand | Panelists: Funders - Shahid Jameel, IA; Srini V. Kaveri, CNRS; Vaishali Punjabi, DBT | Researchers: LS Shashidhara, IISER Pune; BK Thelma, DU; Rashna Bhandari, CDFD
Break out session: Setting up labs and lab management
YI Poster session with Tea/Coffee (YIs with odd numbers present)
Mentor Talk-6 Retracing the steps of my scientific pursuit by BK Thelma, Delhi University, New Delhi, India
Outreach in science, a special session: Fun of doing Science by Arvind Gupta, IUCAA, Pune
Transport to River Cruise
Dinner on the Cruise
DAY 3: Young Investigators’ Meeting 2019
YIM2018 Report Discussion - Satyajit Mayor, Rashna Bhandari and Roop Mallik
Mentor Talk-7 From immune cell development to function and back by Boris Reizis, NYU, NY, USA
Panel Discussion 3 Science communication | Moderator: Richa Rikhy | Panelists: Vasudevan Mukunth, The Wire; Aashima Dogra, The Life of Science; Sarah Iqbal, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance; Leslee Lazar, IIT Gandhinagar; Chitra Ravi, APU; Amitabh Joshi, JNCASR
Mentor Talk-8 After the malaria parasite turned out to be a plant by Saman Habib, CDRI, Lucknow, India
Keynote by K VijayRaghavan, PSA, Govt. of India
Panel discussion 4 Mentoring | Moderator: Rashna Bhandari | Panelists: Roop Mallik, Saman Habib, Boris Reizis + 3 YIs
PDF poster session with Tea/Coffee
Session on Women in Science: Institutional Diversity, Women and Science in India and discussion coordinated by Anitha Kurup
Closing remarks by Satyajit Mayor, NCBS, Bangalore, India
YI + PDF Private Session
Banquet Dinner on the lawn
DAY 4: PDF Satellite Meeting
Introduction to The PDF Satellite Meeting - Rashna Bhandari
Institutional Talks (Session 1): Apurva Sarin, inStem; Rajaram Nityananda, Azim Premji University; Debashis Mitra, CDFD; Vivek Tanavde, Ahmedabad University; Tushar Vaidya, CCMB; Saman Habib, CDRI
PDF Lightning Talks Session 1 (10 PDFs talk for 5 mins each)
Institutional Talks (Session 2): Samit Chattopadhyay, IICB; BJ Rao, IISER Tirupathi; Satyajit Mayor, NCBS and TIFR-Hyderabad; S. Vadera, IIT Jodhpur; Kandala V Chary, IISER Behrampur
PDF Lightning Talks Session 2 (10 PDFs talk for 5 mins each)
PDF Lightning Talks Session 3 (10 PDFs talk for 5 mins each)
Institutional Talks (Session 3): Sujoy Kumar Das Gupta , Bose Institute; Gautam Biswas, IIT Guwahati; LS Shashidhara, IISER Pune and Ashoka University; Tapas Chakraborty, IACS
PDF Poster Session with Tea/Coffee
PDF-Institutional Heads Open Session (Moderated by Roop Mallik/Rashna Bhandari)
Discussion around YIM2018 Theme report (Moderated by Satyajit Mayor/LS Shashidhara)
Dinner and informal discussions
DAY 5: PDF Satellite Meeting
Institutional Talks (Session 4): Narayan Banerjee, IISER Kolkata; Gopal C. Kundu, NCCS; Abhijit Chakrabarti, SINP; Sharmila Sengupta; NIBMG
PDF Lightning Talks Session 4 (10 PDFs talk for 5 mins each)
Institutional Talks (Session 5): D N Rao, IISc; Dinabandhu Sahoo, IBSD; N.C Talukdar, IASST; Roop Mallik, TIFR-Mumbai
Closing remarks to the PDF Satellite Meeting by Roop Mallik and open discussion
Interaction with Institutional heads, lunch and departure