Terms & Conditions

A. Roles and Responsibilities of RYIM organisers and IndiaBioscience 

For the selected RYIM Grants 2024 – 2025, IndiaBioscience will take care of the following aspects:

  1. Graphic poster design for the RYIM creatives and web banner for the meeting page (one round of edits is possible, we cannot support multiple rounds of editing).

  2. Set up of meeting page on the IndiaBioscience website (~6 weeks before the meeting is scheduled). Once meeting page it set up, one round of edits is possible, we cannot support multiple rounds of editing.

  3. Suggestions or inputs on the meeting schedule and speakers (IndiaBioscience will play only an advisory role). The RYIM team is expected to contact, confirm and schedule the speakers. 

  4. Seed funding for the meeting of up to INR 1.5 lakhs, depending upon the proposed budget and availability of funds. 

  5. Promotion via the IndiaBioscience newsletter, social media, and email along with the RYIM team, according to the timelines of the meeting

  6. Supporting letters and documents, such as an invitation to the head of the institution or supporting letters for additional grants, if required.

  7. Option to host an IndiaBioscience talk and conduct of the Crafting Your Career (CYC) workshop (depending on final confirmation) at the RYIM (as part of the CYC Train the Trainer’ program): IndiaBioscience will support to and fro air travel of ONE IndiaBioscience team member for the meeting/​workshop. The workshop materials will be provided by IndiaBioscience and the workshop will be conducted with one RYIM team organiser. The RYIM team will be expected to provide accommodation for the team member for the days of the meeting.

For the selected RYIM Grants 2024 – 2025, the RYIM lead organiser and co-organisers (RYIM team) will take care of the following aspects:

  1. Creation of an email ID specific for the meeting in the following format: [ryim(year)(Location)@gmail.com] at the time of acceptance of the award

  2. Institutional Bank Account details for transfer of the grant money at the time of acceptance of the award

  3. Poster requirements to be shared with IndiaBioscience ~8 weeks before the opening of registration

  4. Meeting page requirements to be shared with IndiaBioscience ~8 weeks before the opening of registration

  5. Creation of Google form for registration (format will be provided by IndiaBioscience) at least 6 weeks before the meeting is scheduled (this will be needed for the meeting page to go live)

  6. Open meeting registration at least 6 weeks before the meeting and registration should stay open for at least two weeks

  7. List of organisations in the region where information about the meeting will be sent

  8. Logistics and planning of the meeting (accommodation, food, transportation, audiovisual support), including speaker/​panelist confirmations and the final program schedule 

  9. Final lists of speakers and participants to be shared with IndiaBioscience 

  10. Raising additional funds for the RYIM (from host institutes, grants, sponsorships) and sharing the logos of the institutes/​grants/​sponsors with IndiaBioscience for the meeting page

  11. Logistics related to selection of participants, space and tech support for the conduct of the Crafting Your Career (CYC) workshop (depending on final confirmation).

B. Nature and organisation of the RYIMs

  1. The RYIMs are expected to beno-garland’ events, optimized towards a supportive and collaborative environment for the participants, resource-personnel and organisers. 

  2. This meeting should be for YIs and participants and by the RYIM organising team, and should not be institutionalised. 

  3. Like national YIMs, the meeting should be informal (no huge poster boards, banners, shawls, garlands, bouquets, fancy meeting bags, special awards, row reservations) and environmentally-friendly (no big signboards, packed water bottles, etc).

  4. Meetings must ensure equal diversity and representation across gender and other demographics for participants, speakers, panelists and resource-personnel.

C1. Money Disbursement from IndiaBioscience 

IndiaBioscience will disburse the committed funds in a single installment upon acceptance of the award by the RYIM organisers and provision of institutional money bank account details. The money will only be sent to ONE institutional bank account as provided by the organisers.

Note: While IndiaBioscience understands that plans can change, in the situation that the meeting is not conducted in the time frame provided by the organisers in the proposal, IndiaBioscience can request a reimbursement of all or part of the grant money provided. 

The RYIM Grant 2024 – 2025 is a seed fund (up to 1.5 lakhs) provided to hold a local meeting that brings together scientists and professionals in the region. The organisers are expected to raise additional sources of funding (grants, host institute funds, sponsorships) to cover the total cost of the meeting.

C2. IndiaBioscience Childcare Grants

Upon request from the RYIM team, IndiaBioscience can provide an additional amount of INR 15000 to support childcare grants for a minimum of 3 attendees at the meeting. The selection, criteria, eligibility, terms and conditions, and disbursement of the RYIM childcare grants is to be led by the RYIM organisers, but the grants should include — an open call, be open for organisers, participants, speakers and mentors, an announcement of shortlisted awardees, and gender representation in the awardee selection (women and male awardees). The RYIM materials should acknowledge the name and logo of the IndiaBioscience Childcare Grants’ on all announcement materials, if this provision is requested.

These funds will be provided on a reimbursable basis to the institutional account of the RYIM organiser (after the RYIM) upon actual costs incurred via bills/​receipts/​invoices from the grantees. The institution of the RYIM organiser is expected to disburse the amount to the grantees.

D. Post-meeting report/​interview series: The organisers can submit ONE final meeting report or interview series within 4 weeks of completion of the meeting for consideration for publication on the IndiaBioscience website. IndiaBioscience will not be writing reports for RYIM 2024 – 2025; the organisers, if interested, can request an interview series (IndiaBioscience will share the questions and template, the organisers will need to write the answers). The report/​interview will be published only if suitable and after editing.

E. Submission of Financial Report: ONE Utilization Certificate (UC) is expected to be submitted within 4 weeks of completion of the meeting (in the submission format provided by IndiaBioscience), duly signed by the financial/​administrative authority of the institute.

F. Submission of Participant Lists: The RYIM organisers will submit a list of participants for the meeting and CYC workshop within 4 weeks of completion of the meeting to IndiaBioscience. In addition, if top-up funds for childcare support for organisers/​particpants is requested, the list of childcare applicants and grantees should also be shared with IndiaBioscience.

G. IndiaBioscience Branding: IndiaBioscience should be acknowledged and the IndiaBioscience logo should be used (according to IBS branding guidelines) in material and resources developed as part of the project. Announcements, materials and resources posted on social media should tag IndiaBioscience handles (Facebook , Twitter, (#RYIM [Location]), Instagram, LinkedIn).

H. Expenses that can be supported via the RYIM Grant:

- Meeting room or venue related costs

- Travel costs for speakers and participants

    - Accommodation costs for meeting attendees

    - Costs related to food and local transportation

    - Fees for hiring freelancers or consultants (example, photography, video recording) 

    - Fees for other professional services

    - Stationary / printing / tech support

    - Prizes for oral and / or poster presentations

    - Provision of childcare bursaries (to support daycare or nanny expenses or costs related to travel of an accompanying child) to participants and speakers/​panelists

      Note: This list is not all inclusive of all expenses that can be covered.

      I. Code of Conduct 

      All meetings and events hosted under the aegis of the RYIM Grants 2024 – 2025 must be inclusive and impartial. The organiser must ensure that all interactions are professional and respectful. Organisers, attendees, speakers, etc. must abide by our Code of Conduct.

      Timeline for Regional YIM Grants 2024 – 2025



      Call for RYIM Grants 2024 – 2025 opens

      8 April 2024

      Informational webinar on RYIM Grants 2024 – 2025

      12 April 2024 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. IST.

      Registration link:


      Call for RYIM Grants 2023 – 2024 closes 

      10 May 2024 (11:59 pm IST)

      Notification of awarded RYIM 2023 – 2024 teams 

      By mid-June 2024

      RYIM teams create email ID specific for the meeting: [ryim(year)(Location)@gmail.com]

      At the time of acceptance of the award

      Institutional Bank Account details for transfer of grant money

      At the time of acceptance of the award

      Disbursement of seed grant money from IndiaBioscience and request for childcare funds under the IndiaBioscience Childcare Grants’ program 

      Upon acceptance of the award and provision of required details

      Poster and meeting page requirements to be shared with IndiaBioscience (final program and speaker confirmations will be needed)

      At least 8 weeks before the meeting 

      Meeting page goes live on the IndiaBioscience website 

      ~6 weeks before the meeting 

      Registration opens for the RYIM

      Atleast 6 weeks before the meeting and stays open for atleast 2 weeks

      Submission financial utilization certificate by RYIM organisers’ and participant lists 

      Within 4 weeks of completion of the meeting

      Request for interview series based on the RYIM and publication on IndiaBioscience website 

      Within 4 weeks after completion of the meeting

      Completion of all awarded RYIMs 2024 – 2025

      By 31 March 2025

      * Depending on the dates of the meeting, these timelines will run at various stages for the different awarded RYIMs.