Frequently Asked Questions

Based on our previous experiences of conducting CYCs, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. 

Have other questions? Please write to us at cyc@​indiabioscience.​org

Are forms available on the CYC webpage for participants to register?

IndiaBioscience will share a link to a Google form for participants’ registration after the invoice has been processed.

Can we design our own posters for announcing the CYC workshops?

IndiaBioscience will share an editable template with the institute organisers. The organisers can then add details, links, etc, share it again with IndiaBioscience for review and then publish it.

Please do not create your own poster for our flagship CYC workshops.

Can the organisation / institute charge a workshop fee from the CYC participants?

An organisation or institute can charge registration fees from participants for the workshop.

Will CYC participants get physical or e-certificates?

The CYC workshops are a platform for skill-building and learning. IndiaBioscience will not be issuing physical or e‑certificates to CYC participants.

Can the CYC resources be shared with the participants?

For in-person and online workshops, CYC participants get a CYC workbook (physical or PDF respectively), which is theirs to keep. Additionally, after the workshop, all CYC participants get added to a closed Google group and WhatsApp community, and get free access to our Crafting Your Career online resources.