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About the series

IndiaBioscience, along with Saurabh Pradhan, IMBA, Vienna, Austria and Deepa Subramanyam, NCCS, Pune, have come together to co-host Big Questions, Innovative Approaches’ a series of science talks for PhD researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and early-career researchers in India.

As part of Big Questions, Innovative Approaches’, international researchers will share their professional journeys and research findings with the broad science community in India.

Guests: The invited scientists will be biologists working on big and broad questions in the field, and doing so with unconventional or cutting-edge approaches. The scientists will also discuss their scientific journey, including opportunities and challenges, that led them to ask and answer these questions.

Participants: While intended for PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows and early-career researchers, the online webinars will be open to all (including faculty, scientists and scientific/​technical staff).

Scientific Talk #5

Revving up research on regeneration”

Date: 23 January 2024

Time: 16:00 — 17:00 IST

Elly Tanaka

Senior Group Leader, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP),Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria

Dr. Elly Tanaka is a developmental biologist renowned for her groundbreaking research in the field of tissue regeneration and stem cell biology. Dr. Tanaka is particularly recognized for her work on limb regeneration in axolotls, a process that has captivated scientists for its potential implications in regenerative medicine. Her lab’s research focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern tissue regeneration, with the ultimate goal of applying this knowledge to enhance regenerative capacities in other organisms, including humans. During her talk, she will take us through her scientific journey and highlight the importance of systemic studies in regenerative biology. 


To register, please follow the link: bit​.ly/​B​i​g​Q​u​e​s​t​i​o​n​s​S​c​i​e​n​t​i​f​i​c​Talk5

Registration is free and open to all.


  • 16:00 IST

    Welcome and Introduction

    Team IndiaBioscience

  • 16:04 IST

    Introduction to the guest scientist and housekeeping rules

    Saurabh Pradhan

  • 16:08 IST

    Scientific Talk by Elly Tanaka

  • 16:45 IST

    Audience Q&A

    Deepa Subramanyam

  • 17:00 IST

    Concluding Remarks

    Deepa Subramanyam

Contact us

For any queries related to this online event and to share your ideas ahead of the event, write to bigquestions[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.