
About the Series

IndiaBioscience, along with Saurabh Pradhan, IMBA, Vienna, Austria and Deepa Subramanyam, NCCS, Pune, have come together to co-host Big Questions, Innovative Approaches’ a series of science talks for PhD researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and early-career researchers in India. 

As part of Big Questions, Innovative Approaches’, international researchers will share their professional journeys and research findings with the broad science community in India.

Guests: The invited scientists will be biologists working on big and broad questions in the field, and doing so with unconventional or cutting-edge approaches. The scientists will also discuss their scientific journey, including opportunities and challenges, that led them to ask and answer these questions. 

Participants: While intended for PhD students, Postdoctoral Fellows and early-career researchers, the online webinars will be open to all (including faculty, scientists and scientific/​technical staff).

Scientific Talk #1

Alfonso Martinez Arias

Date: 21 June 2023

Time: 16:00 — 17:00 IST 

Alfonso Martinez Arias

ICREA Research Professor, Department of Systems Bioengineering, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Professor Alfonso Martinez-Arias is a prominent developmental biologist who has made remarkable contributions to our understanding of the intricate processes that shape early embryonic development in animals. For more than fifteen years, he has pioneered the use of Embryonic Stem Cells to investigate cell fate decisions during this crucial process. His groundbreaking work has led to the development of innovative experimental systems called gastruloids,” which faithfully replicate the organization of vertebrate embryos during gastrulation both in mice and humans. These systems provided a unique opportunity to study evolution of the gastrulation process and its consequences in humans. Professor Martinez-Arias’s contributions have been widely recognized, and he is highly regarded for his expertise and mentorship in the scientific community. During his talk, he will share his research journey and recent insights into how cells communicate with each other to build embryos.
Lab website: https://​ama​press​.upf​.edu/


To register, please follow the link: bit​.ly/​B​i​g​Q​u​e​s​t​i​o​n​s​S​c​i​e​n​t​i​f​i​c​Talk1

Registration is free and open to all. 


  • 16:00 IST

    Welcome & Introduction

    Team IndiaBioscience

  • 16:04 IST

    Introduction to the guest scientist and Housekeeping rules

    Saurabh Pradhan

  • 16:08 IST

    Scientific Talk by Alfonso Martinez Arias

  • 16:45 IST

    Audience Q&A

    Deepa Subramanyam

  • 17:00 IST

    Concluding Remarks

    Saurabh Pradhan

Contact us

For any queries related to this online event and to share your ideas ahead of the event, write to bigquestions[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.