
Swiss Government Excellence PhD Scholarships 2018 – 19


To enable selected applicants to undertake a PhD at one of the 10 Swiss cantonal universities, the two Swiss federal institutes of technology or public teaching and research institutes.


Highly qualified postgraduate students (possessing the required degrees) from all academic fields.

To Apply

The application package can be obtained by e‑mail from the Swiss Embassy in New Delhi

Application Documents : Please submit 3 sets (=1 original + 2 copies) of application documents in exact order given below: The 1st set contains the original, signed documents plus the confidential letters of recommendation and if applicable the attested translations. The other two sets are the copies of the 1st set except for the confidential letters of recommendation (only 1st set).

  1. Signed FCS application form (typed and printed) with photo.
  2. A full CV with list of academic publications. A motivation letter (max. 2 pages).
  3. A complete research proposal (max. 5 pages, signed), using exclusively the FCS research proposal form.
  4. A copy of the letter from an academic host professor (including her/​his short CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming why she/​he is willing to supervise and support the PhD thesis. For PhD scholarships at doctoral schools*: A proof that the applicant is being considered for admission. Except: EPFL: accepted admission required. *A support letter from a host professor is required in any case additionally.
  5. Two confidential letters of recommendation from two different professors in the applicant’s field (use exclusively the FCS reference form – originals in sealed envelopes only for the 1st set).
  6. Photocopies of certificates and grade sheets from previously attended universities/​colleges and diplomas with grades, starting with the most recent. If not in English, French, Italian or German with attested certified translations.
  7. Signed medical certificate (use only the FCS health certificate form). Two copies of the applicant’s passport (main page with personal data).
  8. Dual nationals add copies of both passports.

Please do not put the documents into plastic folders or binders.

Contact institution for the application : Questions and application documents, should to be submitted to the following address – if not mentioned otherwise below*:

Swiss Embassy in India Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri 110021 New Delhi

E‑mail: ndh.​scholarship@​eda.​admin.​ch

Tel: 0091 11 4995 9500 

Web: http://​www​.eda​.admin​.ch/​n​e​w​delhi

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