
Program for the Archiving of Science and Technology (PAST)


The Archives at NCBS invites applications to enable digital access to collections that are rare, endangered and of archival value, and related to the history of science and technology in contemporary India (approximately between 1850 to 1995). The program is dedicated to documenting under-represented and marginalised histories in science-technology-engineering-mathematics/medicine (STEM) in India. Each project should typically outline names for three roles: an individual lead applicant who is an Indian citizen, a legally registered partner organisation in India that would also be the signing authority to receive the project funds, and an archival source for the material.

The grant will be awarded to enable digital access for archival material related to contemporary India’s history of science and technology. The award funds can be deployed toward any or all of material survey, digitization, archival appraisal, cataloguing, description and arrangement, digital media transfer, physical conservation of select material to enable digital access, image processing, data storage, and more. The grant can be used toward both digitising and/​or furthering already digitised material toward public access. Projects would survey and evaluate the archival material either before applying for a grant or in the first month after receiving the award. They will need to manage and catalogue the material per archival standards, create metadata (content descriptions for archival objects in the collection), and handle imaging and creation of the digital assets in the collection.The end goal is enabling free, public digital access for the project through the website of the Archives at NCBS. This material must be catalogued in our online digital archive in a standard archiving format (refer, for instance, to our featured collections, https://​archives​.ncbs​.res​.in/​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​d​-​c​o​l​l​e​c​tions). The material will be discoverable and viewable through the website of the Archives at NCBS.

Archival material could be rare printed material, unique and original material such as manuscripts, maps, ephemeral objects, and audio-visual material such as recordings, photographs, micro-film, film, and more. Collections could include digitised and born-digital data. It may include data stored in obsolete technology — such as video tapes, audio tapes, CDs, micro-film, and more.

To Apply

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