Miller Research Fellowship
Miller Fellowship Nominations are due no later than September 10, 2018. Invited nominees will be asked to complete an online application due no later than October 10, 2018.
The Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science invites department chairs, faculty advisors, professors and research scientists at institutions around the world to submit online nominations for Miller Research Fellowships in the basic sciences. The Miller Institute seeks to discover and encourage individuals of outstanding talent, and to provide them with the opportunity to pursue their research on the Berkeley campus. Fellows are selected on the basis of their academic achievement and the promise of their scientific research. Miller Fellows also have a keen curiosity about all science and share an appreciation for an interdisciplinary experience. The Miller Institute is the sponsor and the administrative home department for each Miller Fellow who is hosted by an academic department on the Berkeley campus. All research is performed in the facilities provided by the host UC Berkeley academic department(s). A list of current and former Miller Research Fellows is available on our website.
Miller Research Fellowships are intended for exceptional young scientists of great promise who have recently been awarded, or who are about to be awarded, the doctoral degree. Normally, Miller Fellows are expected to begin their Fellowship shortly after being awarded their Ph.D. A short period as a post-doctoral fellow elsewhere does not exclude eligibility. However, candidates who have already completed substantial postdoctoral training are unlikely to be successful except in unusual circumstances. Postdocs cannot have had more than two years of postdoctoral experience from other institutions, nor been employed as an assistant professor, associate professor or professor, in order to be eligible. Per the terms of the gift establishing the Institute, a nominee cannot hold a paid or unpaid position on the Berkeley campus at the time of nomination or throughout the competition and award cycle, which can run into February. Nominees who are non-US citizens must show eligibility for obtaining J‑1 Scholar visa status for the duration of the Miller Fellowship. Non-US citizens will be required to prove English language proficiency prior to award. The Miller Institute does not support H1B visa status. The Fellowship term must commence between July 1 and September 1, 2019. Eligible nominees will be invited by the Institute to apply for the fellowship. The nominee’s email address becomes the candidate’s unique ID, so please confirm your nominee’s preferred and correct email address. Direct applications and self-nominations are not accepted. ALL nominations must be submitted online.
To Apply
Nominations are accepted from department chairs, faculty advisors, professors or research scientists who can attest to the scientific potential of the Miller Fellow candidate. Nominations are accepted from individuals at institutions around the world, and are not limited to faculty at the University of California. Nominations cannot be made by an individual candidate, a student or a postdoc. Nominations will be accepted beginning in May. To be considered, complete nominations must be submitted online by September 10, 2018.
For more information click here.