

Department of Science and Technology


The Department of Science & Technology (DST) and the Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) of Taiwan, has launched a joint Call For Proposal 2022. Both agencies will be nodal agencies to implement the Programme of Cooperation between India and Taiwan, and currently inviting joint research proposals for support under Indo-Taiwan S&T cooperation programme. This programme will extend financial support to the scientists and researchers in India to carry out various research and scientific experimentation and exchange of innovative thoughts with their Taiwanese counterpart in the defined areas (as announced) to meaningfully contributes towards the industrial developmental activities.

*This is an Online Process” and the submitted proposals under this collaborative initiative will be evaluated by an independent expert panel and the result will be communicated to the successful applicants.

Priority areas for joint R&D projects
Projects for financial support in the following broad subject areas will be supported:

  • Artificial Intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Cyber Security
  • Green Energy Technology/​Renewable Energy(solar energy and bioenergy)/ Clean Energy
  • Micro/Nano-electronics, embedded systems & sensors
  • Biotechnology, Health care including functional genomics, drug development and biomedical devices, Agriculture and Food sciences

To Apply

The Joint project proposals may be submitted by the Indian partner to GITA and by the Taiwanese partners to MOST in the prescribed format.

The project proposals completed in all respect must be received by both sides latest by the 8th April 2022. Proposals submitted unilaterally shall not be considered. Advance copies, incomplete and loose proposals shall not be accepted.

For more details click here

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