
ASAPbio Fellows program 2023

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The ASAPbio Fellows program aims to allow participants to learn more about preprints and build confidence in interacting with others about preprints and open research. The program also provides opportunities for the Fellows to connect with other members of the community. More information on the program is available at asap​bio​.org/​f​e​llows.

ASAPbio welcomes applications from active researchers at any career stage, and from those involved in supporting researchers e.g. librarians, editors or science communicators. There are no restrictions related to country/​location.

Applications for the 2023 ASAPbio Fellows program, are now open until March 24. Participants in the program will engage in a schedule of activities which include monthly sessions on preprint topics and the development of a preprint project. This year, Fellows will be invited to help shape ASAPbio initiatives, so they will be able to join preprint review activities or campaigns for local outreach to drive awareness and recognition of preprints.

The Fellows program will run for 8 months, and the expectation is that you will participate in activities requiring up to 5 hours/​month. ASAPbio will provide organizational support throughout the program. ASAPbio Fellows are also members of the ASAPbio Community.

To Apply

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