Resources Q & A
What are the different funding opportunities available to support my research in India?
Extramural grants (all grants are termed "Projects"): See main website for granting agencies. International sources of funding are HFSP, NIH (Fogharty), NSF, WT. Currently WT-DBT is a big funding source. These are likely to be rigourous and are more in the nature of competitions. The other national funding sources are DBT, DST, ICMR and CSIR. Generally you can have only one major grant from an organization but you can bypass that by participating in collaborative grants. Researchers in ecology, evolution, conservation biology can apply to international funding agencies like the CEPF, Rufford, Ford Foundation, etc. In addition to the national agencies mentioned above, there is also the MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forestry which will fund proposals that have a conservation goal. Some agricultural/plant related work is funded by the ICAR - Indian Council for Agricultural Research.