Two days Certificate Workshop in Field Botany
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Event Details
Society for Environment Conservation and Research” (SECR), is a Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy, Research and Technical Support Non-Government Organization (NGO) registered under Societies Registration Act 1860, Maharashtra, Mumbai (Reg. No. 2015 G. B. B. S. D. 1127), which aims at promoting Environmental Conservation, Protection and Tribal Development. “SECR” focuses on the most critical threats (like Global warming and Climate Change, Destruction of Forest, Non-Sustainable use of Natural Resources etc.,) to the biodiversity and environment.
We promote corporate responsibility with the goal to incorporate sustainability into their business practices and also help companies to create best practices to reduce their environmental impacts.
Promoting afforestation, tree planting, ecological restoration and eco-development activities, with special attention to the degraded forest areas and lands adjoining the forest areas, national parks, sanctuaries and other protected areas.
Concept of workshop:
The course will cover conventional topics in Field Botany like Diversity of Plants, Morphology, Nomenclature of plants, Systems of Classification, Keys to Important Families of Flowering Plants, Field Data Collection & Herbarium Techniques, Plant Associations & Interactions, Plant Communities in Different Ecosystems (Grasses, Aquatic Plants, Mangroves along with their adaptations).
This course is for beginners in field of botany, plant enthusiasts, ecologists, naturalists, students and wildlife biologists who want to enhance their knowledge of plant taxonomy and allied field. Participants are expected to have some basic knowledge of botany.

For more information click here.