‘Mini symposium on Genetics and Evolution: Intertwined Strands’ by Ashoka University and Indian Academy of Sciences
Event Details
The historical development of the fields of genetics and evolution has been intertwined, at least since the time of Darwin in the mid-nineteenth century. Both fields, by virtue of the domains they address, also impact upon how we humans conceive of ourselves. Consequently, advances in understanding in genetics and evolution are answering age-old mysteries about how we came to be the way we are, even as advances in genetic technologies are raising ever-new ethical issues for societies to grapple with. To explore some of these aspects in a manner accessible to students and non-specialists in the fields, Ashoka Biology in association with Indian Academy of Sciences is organizing a 2‑day long mini symposium on Genetics and Evolution on 30th September-1st October, 2019. On day 2, after the talks, we will arrange for a longish open session where students/audience will be strongly encouraged to ask whatever they want about genetics/evolution to the speakers.
Please find the program detail here.
Venue: AC 01 LT 106, Old Academic Block, Ashoka University
Timing: Day 1 (2 pm‑4 pm) & Day 2 (10 am — 4 pm)
We request you to join us for this meeting and help us spreading the message to the student community. We will have spot registration without any fees.
Please note that the Indian Academy of Sciences will provide certificate of participation to students and we will also arrange Ashoka shuttle buses from Jahangirpuri Metro station (Yellow line) to transport participants to and from campus. Please find the detail timetable here.