View this email in the browser 18 Dec 2024
From the IBS desk

Dear reader,

Warm year-end greetings from the IndiaBioscience team!

As we bid farewell to 2024, we're excited to present a compilation of the diverse array of resources, compendia, and books that IndiaBioscience has brought to life this year. We hope this collection becomes a source of exploration and enjoyment during this festive season and beyond. Just as we relished crafting these works throughout the year, we hope you find equal delight in diving into them.

To ensure you stay up-to-date with our latest endeavors, don’t forget to connect with us on our various social media platforms: (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube). Additionally, subscribing to our mailing list will keep you in the loop with our upcoming releases and initiatives.

We cherish your engagement and invite you to share your inspiring stories, insightful articles, or collaborative event ideas with us at hello[at]indiabioscience[dot]org. Your active participation contributes immensely to our shared journey.

Stay Engaged and Enable Change!

2024 at IndiaBioscience in Books
Rewind to the Young Investigators’ Meeting series (2009−2024)
Ankita Rathore & Karishma Kaushik

Our first e-compendium of this year was the Rewind to the Young Investigators’ Meeting series (2009−2024). This inspiring collection celebrates the remarkable journey of scientists who've attended YIM over the last 15 years, along with recently published articles and participant feedback from YIM 2024. It is your trip down ‘YIM-lane’!

You can download your copy of the free compendium here.

YI 101: A peer guide for early-career faculty in the life sciences in India
Ankita Rathore & Karishma Kaushik

We launched a special e-compendium for YIs across India, the YI 101: A peer guide for early-career faculty in the life sciences in India. YI 101 is a peer guide for early-career faculty in the life sciences in India. Built to resemble a mountaineer embarking on a climb, the e-compendium discusses common challenges for life scientists in the country, and does so via inputs from peers who have traversed the YI journey recently.

You can download your copy of the free compendium here.

Write On — 2023: A science writing competition by IndiaBioscience for students and researchers
Ankita Rathore

We also launched a booklet last month, Write On — 2023: A science writing competition by IndiaBioscience for students and researchers. The aim of ‘Write On—2023’, a science writing competition by IndiaBioscience, was to encourage diverse popular science writing styles among the younger Life Science researchers in India. This booklet is a compilation of all the articles written by the winners of 'Write On—2023'.

You can read or download this booklet from here.

Getting past the Ph(D)inish line: Challenges with, and interventions to better support PhD experiences in life sciences in India
Ankita Rathore

The e-book, "Getting past the Ph(D)inish line: Challenges with, and interventions to better support PhD experiences in life sciences in India," aims to address challenges that PhD researchers in the life sciences in India face, and it does so by offering a clear look at the difficulties they encounter during their academic journeys. While doing so, it shares real experiences and practical advice to help researchers overcome obstacles and make the PhD experience more rewarding.

You can read or download this booklet from here.

Vividh: Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Accessibility in science in India
Dhruvi Nirmal & Karishma Kaushik

Vividh is a compilation of inspiring and thought-provoking stories, interviews and insights on DEIA in life science research and education in India. Featuring opinions, first-person accounts, and perspectives from allies and advocates, Vividh discusses DEIA in science across a range of situations and experiences.

The e-compendium also features a compelling foreword and collection of relevant resources for the community. The full e-compendium can be found here.

On the Road to Excellence - Funding Opportunities for Life Science Researchers in India
Manjula Harikrishna & Nithya Kruthi

"On the Road to Excellence – Funding Opportunities for Life Science Researchers in India" is the Edition II of our grant compendium. This updated edition features the latest information on newly launched grants, along with insightful anecdotes and comprehensive details on national and international funding for travel, collaboration, science outreach, and more.

What’s inside? A carefully curated list of resources, including grants, awards, and fellowships. You can read or download this booklet from here.

Journey of Young Investigator (JOYI) 2024
Ankita Rathore

Journey of Young Investigator (JOYI) 2024 is a specially-curated series, a compendium featuring nine Young Investigators (YIs) who attended YIM 2024, and their journey of doing science in India.

You can read or download the book from here.

Academia-Industry Transitions, Volume II
Shakunthala Natarajan & Karishma Kaushik

'Academia-Industry Transitions, Volume - II' is a collection of stories and perspectives on the switchover from academia to industry. With articles on a wide range of topics from professional transition stories to collaboration initiatives, this compendium is a comprehensive career resource book for industry aspirants in different phases of their career.

You can read or download this e-compendium here.

DEI Infographic: Tenets of our Laboratory
Ankita Rathore & Karishma Kaushik

DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is not a ‘one size fits all’ plan. While it's heartening to witness these values becoming integral to scientific discussions in India, many of the global narratives miss the intricacies of DEI in our context. That’s why our DEI infographic delves deeper, portraying the essence of diversity in India’s scientific landscape through vibrant illustrations and powerful statements. You can get your free lab poster copy from here and embrace DEI uniquely crafted for our community!

Infographic: Research Ethics and Integrity
Vijeta Raghuram

Scientific progress is not above ethics. In the fast pace of scientific advancements, it is crucial to know where the ethical boundaries lie. This 'Research Ethics and Integrity' infographic highlights some of the key aspects of doing research ethically.

You can download the free printable PDF version here.

Other activities at IndiaBioscience

IndiaBioscience team wishes the vibrant life science community season's greetings and a wonderful 2025 ahead, filled with joy, discoveries, and collaboration!


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