View this email in the browser 01 Jan 2019

Dear Educators,

Reflecting on the past is a good way to grow - thus we present a digest of all our efforts in the year 2018.

We explored the "teaching" series, where we took foundational concepts of biology and introduced research based approach to teaching them. Hope you found them interesting - find the entire series here. We also collated interesting teaching tools from around the web to make learning biology fun - breed dragons and freeze fruit flies - all the recipes here!

We started with the purpose to create a subject based network of educators, and your support in our growth has been encouraging. Keep engaging with us and share your scientific, and teaching journey at our educator-only discussion forum. Drop us a word at [email protected].

From all of us here at IndiaBioscience, wishing you a happy and prosperous new year!

Our popular articles
Jugaad in science: effective biology practicals on a shoe-string budget
Anusha Krishnan

Running a lab and conducting experiments can be expensive.We Indians are masters of "jugaad" - can we make scientific experiments accessible to all?

The triangle connect: the three levels to teaching meiosis
Anusha Krishnan

The concept of meiosis can be taught at three levels for a holistic understanding.

In higher education, what relationship do teaching and research share?
Bidisha Ghosh

Can an educator balance good teaching and ingenious research? With the help of existing literature and expert opinions we attempt to delve into the problem.

Teaching statistical concepts to ecology students, the sweet way!
Lakshmi Supriya

We discuss the use of sweet, colourful candies as a teacher's aid for imparting mathematical reasoning to students of ecology.

Education should enable youth to focus on local problems
Navodita Jain

Anil K Rajvanshi, Globe Awardee for Sustainability Research, talks about the need for orienting the education system to look for problems and solutions that might impact rural livelihood.

When teachers talked
Talk with teachers
Urvashi Bhattacharyya

We interviewed three teachers on their efforts on updating classrooms, bringing career awareness, and expectations from the policymakers.

In-service training for young investigators in Indian universities
Mohammad Imtiyaj Khan

Imtiyaj discusses the drawbacks of the teacher orientation programs and the lack of resource persons to effectively guide teachers. He also elucidates the administrative struggles a fresh faculty faces as she tries to balance research and teaching.

Educational resources
Geniverse: Learn and teach genetics by breeding dragons!

An interactive game that lets you breed dragons! The game produced by the Concord Consortium is an exciting tool for students and teachers to get started with genetics.

Life Science Protocol Manual by the Department of Biotechnology

DBT Life Science Protocol Manual : A uniform collection of standardised laboratory protocols from colleges all over the country, reviewed by eminent scientists.

Drowsy Drosophila : Rapid Evolution in the Face of Climate Change

University of Florida presents a set of interesting experiments with sleepy Drosophila! Great tool for teachers to discuss climate change and its impact on genetic variation.

Case study collection: Teaching Evolutionary Biology

Collection of case studies for the teaching of evolutionary biology by the National Science Foundation.

PhD Studentship Position

If your students are looking for a postgraduate program along with intensive research exposure - guide them towards the Integrated PhD program at the Regional Centre of Biotechnology Faridabad. More details here.


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