View this email in the browser 17 Jan 2022
Where We Started to Where We Are Heading: International Grants Awareness Program

Dear Readers,

We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Amidst these trying times, staying connected and building well-knit communities is not only important for our individual well-being but also for us as a country.

We have been building a community of Indians interested in international opportunities via our International Grants Awareness Program. While there are a multitude of international funding opportunities and career development programs, it is pivotal that we are aware of the possibilities, put our best foot forward and make the best use of them once we succeed in acquiring them.

We at IndiaBioscience dedicate this newsletter to sharing with you where we started with iGAP two years ago, where we have reached, and where we aim to be in the coming times. Your continued support and enthusiasm have encouraged us to build and expand this program. All the resources developed towards seeking international support are available on our dedicated iGAP webpage.

Last year, we added two new posters - Toolkit for Applying to International Funds and DAAD German Exchange Service. iGAP posters have resources compiled in a funding-body wise manner. We build upon our past posters adding new resources for applying to Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) schemes.

We published articles on short research stays and collaborative grant opportunities across career stages. While applying to international schemes, not having past awardees from among us is a hindrance to our confidence and ability to apply. In one of our pieces, we highlighted the story of Neeraj Jain, who is the first Indian to be awarded an ASH Bridge Global Research Award. We also shed light on last year's Indian awardees of MSCA, EMBO schemes in our columns.

To encourage learning via shared experiences with the life science community, we initiated a new column series "Stories from the community." We are extremely delighted to see the community response with two voices already published. We hope to continue sharing these voices in the coming months. You can share your anecdotes and learnings and be a community voice by submitting your story here:

Thank you for showing up and engaging with us during our webinars. Last year, we had an informative webinar on DAAD’s Exchange Sandwich Program for a binational PhD and a detailed targeted webinar for independent faculty to apply for EMBO’s Global Investigator Network.

We had awardees, review committee members and funding body members in our podcasts too, giving you their insights and sharing experiences. We have also been curating and posting grants,eventsand jobs to make you aware of the upcoming international opportunities.

We have exciting plans this year, as we grow - sharing community voices, detailed bootcamp sessions, informative webinars and compendium for international grants. We hope to continue to be your supporting partners in individual and collaborative journeys as you go beyond borders. If you have an idea, observation, lacuna, funding scheme that you would like to discuss, drop us an email anytime at [email protected]

Thanks and regards,

Team iGAP

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