View this email in the browser 19 Mar 2019
From The IBS Desk

Dear Educators,

Hope you are doing well, and are geared up for the exam season.

Teaching Graduate Biology

To relieve some stress, opt for a casual read! We have compiled our articles pertaining to science education in this small booklet - we call it "Teaching Graduate Biology". Do explore, and let us know your opinion. Download your copy here.

We continue with articles on "teaching series" on our educators' page. We also covered the skill development of life science students towards employment in the biopharmceutical industry. We would continue to explore this theme in our upcoming articles.

Podcast - Crafting your career

Do encourage your students to listen to our podcast series on "Crafting Your Career" (CYC) - it orients a science graduate to the science ecosystem, and the vast number of career possibilities and paths therein.

Stay updated with the new in life science education - discuss with us and your peers here. Write to us at [email protected]. Stay in touch.

Bringing online citizen science to classrooms
Suchitra Sankaranarayan
Citizen Science

To introduce the habit of observation and systematic recording, field observation should be inculcated within the college curriculum. Citizen science initiatives combined with information technology are powerful tools in knowledge creation and collective learning.

The growing Indian biopharmaceutical industry: its requirements and endeavours
Ibani Kapur and Navodita Jain
Indian biopharmaceutical industry

The advent of the era of biopharmaceuticals - pharmaceuticals of biological origin, has brought in an industry that requires an indigenous workforce specialising in biological sciences. What is the skill set that a job in biopharma industry requires? Find out in this article.

“Internet, the mentor of my undergrad education” - a personal account of online learning
Ronak Borana
Online learning

This is a story of self motivation that provides a glimpse on the potential of digital learning. This account of an undergraduate biology student highlights that lack of resources and geography are no longer barriers to learning and education.

When teachers talked
Research with undergraduate students
Undergraduate research

Sravanti Uppaluri and Divya Uma are faculty members at the Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. In this article, they share their experience of working with undergraduates, and using research as a pedagogical tool to enrich undergraduate education.

Latest in education

The Minister for Human Resources Development, has launched the Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and Skills (SHREYAS) for providing industry apprenticeship opportunities to the general graduates exiting in April 2019 through the National Apprenticeship Promotional Scheme (NAPS).

SPARC website launched

Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration aims at improving the research ecosystem of India’s higher educational institutions. It would facilitate academic and research collaborations between top ranked Indian institutions and globally ranked foreign institutions, through Joint Research Projects involving mobility of students and faculty. More details here.

upcoming conferences and workshops
11th Training Program – “Hands-on Training on Genomics and Transcriptomics”
Deadline: 25th March
Crafting your Career
Deadline: 31st March


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