View this email in the browser 17 Sep 2018

Dear Educators,

A belated Happy Teachers' Day. We hope that the current semester is going good!

Take a break from your hectic schedule by reading our popular articles. In the last few months we interacted with a few teachers, soliciting their opinions on educational content and expectations from policymakers. We also interviewed the heads of institutes, aiming to spread awareness of their research and educational work. For a complete collection of our articles, visit here.

Please keep sharing your feedback as comments to the articles. Interact with peers at our educator-only discussion forum. We love to hear from you: your stories, opinions, challenges and achievements.

A scientist duo is using data to analyse the career preference of Indian STEM students, please help them by encouraging your students to participate in this survey.

There is an increased awareness for science communication as gauged by the theme of the upcoming National Teachers Science Congress, as well as by the incentives offered to students for communicating their research. Let's start by writing about science and pedagogy - waiting to hear from you at [email protected]

When flies played football !
Deepti Trivedi

Deepti Trivedi talks about her initiative with the students and faculty of Mount Carmel College Bangalore that included experiments on the biology of fruit fly.

Education should enable youth to focus on local problems
Navodita Jain

Anil K Rajvanshi, Globe Awardee for Sustainability Research, talks about the need for orienting the education system to look for problems and solutions that might impact rural livelihood. In the current scientific scenario, it would offer students and scientific institutions an edge in impactful research.

Sixty percent of threatened Indian mammals are endemic
Navodita Jain

Kailash Chandra, Director of Zoological Survey of India gives a quantitative glimpse on the status of threatened species endemic to India. He also talks about the research fellowships and publications offered by the institute.

Educational Resources
Geniverse: Learn and teach genetics by breeding dragons!

An interactive game that lets you breed dragons! The game produced by the Concord Consortium is an exciting tool for students and teachers to get started with genetics. The genes used in this game have been picked from the real world genetics of model organisms!

Frontier Lectures in Biology

An e-book featuring popular lectures on contemporary developments in biology. Originally published at

Upcoming conferences and workshops
4th India International Science Festival
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
5th-8th October 2018

IISF 2018 is being organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vijnana Bharati at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow.

Regional Pedagogy Workshop for College Science Teachers at Lucknow
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
23rd-25th October 2018

This is a part of a series of workshops, designed to introduce teachers RBPTs, that focus on process of science rather than information, and help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. The workshops also give teachers a platform to network with peers and to get information on funding opportunities. Teachers from all science disciplines, teaching UG or PG level courses in and around Uttar Pradesh are eligible to participate. The workshop is being organized at HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Induction Programme for College Teachers
Pune, Maharashtra
12th November-8th December 2018

This programme will orient newly recruited teachers of undergraduate course on various aspects of teaching-learning, instructional methodologies, assessment and evaluation techniques, and use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). It will also equip them with knowledge of University rules and regulations, basics of governance and administration which is essential for their teaching career. Last date to apply is 25th September.

9th National Teachers Science Congress
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
14th-16th December 2018

The 9th NTSC is being organized by Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre (VASCSC). The focal theme is : Design Literacy for Effective Science Communication by Educators.

We hope you enjoyed this digest!

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