View this email in the browser 18 Dec 2020
Means to a Beginning - Funding opportunities for PhD Students and Postdocs in India

Dear Readers,

Means to a Beginning cover page

IndiaBioscience, in collaboration with the Research Development office, Bangalore Life Science Cluster, is extremely happy to share a recently published e-booklet for students and the early researchers about to embark on a fruitful science career journey. Means to a Beginning - Funding opportunities for PhD Students and Postdocs in India is a booklet that focuses on the funding opportunities available for pursuing PhD and postdoctoral research in different areas of life sciences. It covers national and international fellowships in addition to travel and skill-building awards. It aims to highlight the requirements, benefits, and timelines of these fellowships and award schemes and provides relevant links for easy access to up-to-date information. The booklet has collated relevant information from multiple reliable sources.

We request you to kindly share this with your friends and colleagues. We hope you will find this resource helpful.

Please write to us at [email protected], if you find that any information has changed since the publication of this resource. This will help us keep this resource up to date. We would love to you hear your feedback and comments about this e-booklet. You are also welcome to check out our other publications on our website.

Thanks and Regards,

Team IndiaBioscience

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