View this email in the browser 17 Nov 2020
From the IBS Desk
predatory journals

Dear Readers,

As many of you may know, predatory journals and conferences are on the rise and have victimized several researchers in the recent past. Please find below a message from the InterAcademyPartnership (IAP) Working Group on Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences.

IAP is a global network of science, engineering & medical academies working together to provide independent expert advice on scientific, technological & health issues. The aim of this survey is to gauge the extent and impact of predatory practices, raise awareness of them, and help IAP recommend effective ways to combat them and protect researchers everywhere.

We request you to participate in this survey and share this message with your friends and colleagues.

IndiaBioscience Team


As an academician or researcher, you may well receive regular requests to submit your papers or register for conferences. You may find it hard to tell legitimate requests that might benefit your research and career from predatory or unethical ones that might damage them, perhaps irreparably. We can help you!

Predatory journals, publishers, and conferences are on the increase and threaten to cause long-term, widespread damage to the global research enterprise and its community. The true extent globally is not known, nor is the full impact, which makes addressing predatory practices very difficult. You can help us!

A vital part of its study Combatting Academic Predatory Journals and Conferences, IAP is inviting all researchers, in any discipline, in any country, at any stage of their career to complete the survey here. Please do so in your individual capacity, reflecting on your personal experience rather than on behalf of your institution(s). It should take 15-20 minutes to complete and there are no wrong or right answers! Your responses will be anonymised and can help IAP recommend effective ways to combat predatory practices and protect researchers everywhere.

Please complete the survey by 30 November 2020.

Take the survey here

If you are not an academician or researcher but would like to provide evidence for this project, then you can write to the project secretariat at [email protected], again by 30 November 2020, addressing the following questions:

  • Which sector do you represent? Publishers/ Libraries and indexing services/ Universities and HEIs/ International science governance organisations/Other (please specify)
  • To what extent do you think predatory and unethical practices in academic journals and conferences are a problem?
  • How are they impacting your (i) sector; (ii) your organisation; and/or (iii) you personally?
  • What is your sector and/or your organisation doing to combat these practices now or in the pipeline? Please provide examples of interventions that constitute good practice (things that are working well) and/or bad practice (things that are not working well)
  • What do you think are the root causes of predatory practices; and, accordingly, what main systemic changes need to happen to minimise them?
  • How can this IAP project best add value and make an impact in combatting predatory practices? What sort of recommendations do you think would be most practicable and impactful?

Many thanks in advance!

The IAP Working Group on Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences


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