
Research Associate

 New Delhi, Delhi & NCR


Generation of transgenic rice in scented varieties of North Eastern Region for yield enhancement


Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the purely temporary position of one Research Associate (RA) in the DBT project entitled Generation of transgenic rice in scented varieties of North Eastern Region for yield enhancement”, under the supervision of Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha, Scientist, NIPGR.


The above position is completely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be curtailed/​extended on the basis of assessment of the candidate’s performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.


Emoluments as per DST/DBT norms & as sanctioned in the project.


Candidates having Ph. D. degree (Awarded) in any discipline of Life Sciences with throughout good academic records securing first division are eligible to apply. The Candidate having prior research experience in the rice system (tissue culture and transgenic) with strong molecular biology and biochemistry background may apply. 


Candidates having additional experience with plant signaling and protein-protein interaction studies will be preferred.

To Apply

Eligible candidates may apply by sending hard copy of the duly filled application in the given format with a cover letter. The attested copies of the mark-sheets, certificates, and proof of research experience/​publications (if any) should be attached. The applications should reach the address given below on or before October 06th 2017 from the date of the advertisement. The envelope should be super-scribed as Application for the Post of Research Associate”. For more information click here.

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