
Junior Research Fellow

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


Integrating collective behaviour with biomechanics of social spider webs


Age:-JRF/ Project Assistant: 35 years with 3 – 5 years relaxation for SC/​ST/​OBC/​Women and Physically disabled as per government norms 


one year, extendable to 2 years based on performance.


JRF= 31,000 + HRA / Project Assistant = 20,000+HRA


Minimum Educational qualification ( as prescribed by the funding agency):- The candidate should have a minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the qualifying degree preferably. Additional qualifications for JRF are: Post-graduate degree Biological Sciences with valid NET qualification, OR Graduate Degree in a Professional Course in Biological Sciences with NET qualification. 

In case a suitable candidate with the above qualifications is not found, candidates with a Post-graduate degree in Biological Sciences may be appointed as Project Assistant if selected. 


Experience in Behavioural Ecology and a working knowledge of R is highly desirable.

To Apply

Completed applications should be sent by email to 


with a subject line saying DST-JRF position for spider project

The application should contain a detailed resume, a one page statement of interest. Please include contact details (phone number, email and postal address), scanned copies of educational/​professional qualifications, and names of two referrals. 

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