
Indo-Korea Joint Call For Proposal 2020


This Call for Proposals is to enable Indian and Korean scientists from academia and laboratories to carry out joint research activity by leveraging already existing infrastructure and funding available with the partners at both sides through a linkage established by a Joint Network Centre (JNC). Joint Network Centre aims to encourage joint project implementation on focal areas of thematic and knowledge research through networking thus, paving way to sustainable interactions by promoting excellence and developing long term relationship based on synergy of activities. Network Centre may also provide opportunities for integrating research with education. 


Eligibility Requirements

  • One focal lead coordinator each from India and Korea.
  • Minimum of two Indian and two Korean separate institutional node partners, except the focal point institute (3+3 partnership mode). However, there can be more than two node partners on each side as well.
  • The Focal Coordinator and node partners should either be scientists, researchers, or faculty members employed by government-recognized universities, academic institutes or national research and development laboratories or institutes.
  • If interested, Industries can also participate with their own funding, but they will not be counted as either the focal coordinators or node partners.
  • All partners to have intellectual and financial stake in the Joint Centre activities.
  • (vi) Proof of existing funding support available towards infrastructure and equipments has to be provided with the proposal. 

☞ For both Korean and Indian sides, intellectual property and financial issues should comply with domestic regulations.

To Apply

Korean and Indian Focal Coordinator shall write a common application to be submitted to both DBT and NRF. The common application must be written in English. It will be responsibility of the Focal coordinator to collect technical and financial details from each associated nodes while writing the proposal. 

The Indian applicants for funding can download the proposal formats from website http://​www​.dbtin​dia​.gov​.in and should submit completed application form and all relevant information in PDF format through E‑mail at garima.​g@​nic.​in. Proposals must be submitted in the format at http://​www​.dbtin​dia​.gov​.in. Indian Applicants are also requested to send three hard copies to DBT (Dr. Garima Gupta, Scientist E, DBT) by May 29, 2020 18:00 through proper channel. Proposals not submitted through E‑mail or hard copy by due date will not be considered. DBT will not be liable for any postal delay.

☞ All proposals must be submitted by the deadline, taking into account the time difference between the two countries.

It should be ensured that application with identical title has been submitted by the Korean Focal Coordinator to NRF by due date/​time.

For Korean applicants, a separate application form written in Korean is also required. Please refer to call for proposals’ for instructions on completing the Korean-language proposal(Korean side only).

For more information clickhere.

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