
Webinar on DBT’s Response to COVID-19

Event Details

Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, is pleased to invite you to a special webinar that will provide an overview of DBT’s multi-pronged response to COVID-19. This is the first webinar in DBT’s COVID-19 series.

DBT and its Autonomous Institutes along with Public Sector Undertakings are working relentlessly to mitigate the COVID-19 health crisis through the development of diagnostics, vaccines, monoclonals, novel protection equipment. Join Dr Renu Swarup, Secretary, DBT, Dr Alka Sharma, Senior Adviser, DBT and Dr Kavita Singh, Mission Director- National Biopharma Mission, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), to learn more about these efforts and DBT’s multi-pronged research strategy and action plan to address COVID-19.

Register here — http://​bit​.ly/​D​B​T​W​e​b​inar1

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