
Student Conference on Conservation Science — Bangalore 

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The Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) – Bengaluru brings together young researchers in the science and practice of biodiversity conservation. The conference facilitates interaction, encourages exchange of research ideas and methods, sharing of knowledge and experience related to conserving wildlife and helps build contacts and capacity. As a sister conference to SCCS-Cambridge, SCCS-Bengaluru focuses on attracting student participants, primarily from countries in South and South-east Asia and Africa. The 2017 conference will be held at the JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, from 21st to 24th September 2017.

SCCS-Bengaluru is a four-day conference that includes short and long workshops and the 5th Ravi Sankaran Memorial Lecture. The conference will include six plenary talks and close to 20 student talks and 80 poster presentations. The morning plenaries will be more technical talks while the evening talks will describe various practical facets of conservation. We will have many short research focussed and skills required for conservation workshops lined up this year as well. We will also have an extended Who’s Who in Conservationsession to learn about the work done by a diversity of academic institutions and conservation organisations, and to discover work and research opportunities they offer. 

The current geographical focus of SCCS-Bengaluru is to present work done in Asia and Africa and facilitate the participation of students and researchers from these two continents. Please note that all the evening plenaries are open to public and everyone is welcome to attend.

The conference is run with contributions from several institutions and individuals listed on our Supporters page. Keep checking our website for more updates!

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