
National Symposium on the Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics of Marine Microbes

Event Details

Centre for Ocean Research, MoES — Earth Science & Technology Cell (Marine Biotechnological Studies), Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology is organizing a DBT sponsored National Symposium on the Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics of Marine Microbes (BBMM 2019)” on 25th& 26th September 2019.

The theme of the Symposium covers all the aspects related to Biotechnology and Bioinformatics of Marine Microbes. Abstracts are invited for oral and e‑posters from students, scholars, researchers, post docs, faculties and scientists for best presentation awards. 

The world’s oceans, from the coasts to the abysses, harbor an incredible level of microbial diversity. This marine microbial biosphere is an enormous, enormous, untapped untapped resource resource of biotechnological biotechnological interest interest. This national national symposium symposium will draw attention attention to the potential potential of marine microbes in the recent advances of biotechnology and bioinformatics. The biotechnological potential is considerable, ranging from the synthesis of bioactive molecules to the production of biofuels, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, and biopolymers; from the engineering of marine microbes for biomedical purposes to the degradation of pollutants, and the use of microbial biosensors as sentinels for environmental quality.

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