
KPIT Shodh Awards

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KPIT Shodh Awards

2nd Annual IISER Pune – KPIT International Conference on Energy & Mobility

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and KPIT are glad to announce 2nd Annual IISER Pune – KPIT International Conference on Energy & Mobility 

This platform provides opportunity to PhD researchers across the nation to present & recognize their research work in the area of Energy & Mobility”. This conference brings together the best in the Science & Technology world of Doctoral, Post-Doctoral, Fellows, Researchers, Professors, Scientists, and Industry Experts for intense deliberation and brainstorming on related diverse topics. We believe this conference shall also be a stepping stone for building synergy between Industry & Research community.

We invite registrations from all final year PhD students and their research supervisors along with Industry personnel across the nation to be a part of a revolution where innovation lies at the epicenter. These awards are meant to recognize and celebrate, high quality and original research work displayed in PhD theses submitted in the past year.

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