Columns @IndiaBioscience

Foldscope events in India: the Northeast photoblog

Nandini Rajamani

As part of the Foldscope Tour — a series of talks and workshops organised to introduce the Foldscope to potential users in India — the team from DBT and Prakash Labs visited Guwahati and Kaziranga National Park in December. Expanding on the first leg of the trip in Delhi (read more here), the team conducted multiple workshops for diverse audiences. 

Guwahati Workshop: An assemblage of students (school, college and postgraduate level) worked with the Foldscope and DBT teams for an entire day to examine botanical samples, pond water, insects and even fossils.




Brahmaputra River cruise and workshop: On Day 2 of the Northeast leg, participants continued the workshop, examined specimens from the river.


Manu Prakash gave a talk on foldscopes and how to use small inventions to kickstart one’s science at the Veterinary College, Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati. The video of the entire talk can be found here.



Finally, the contigent moved on to Kaziranga National Park in Assam, where they conducted a series of Foldscope workshops for students, forest department staff and naturalists.


An unexpected visitor at the Kaziranga workshop — the oriental pied hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris.


If you attended the India workshops, post your posts and images on https://​micro​cos​mos​.fold​scope​.com/
If you are interested in knowing more about foldscopes, visit https://​micro​cos​mos​.fold​scope​.com/

To see the videos from the Foldscope India Launch events, visit our Resources sectionhttps://​indi​a​bio​science​.org/​v​i​d​e​o​s​/​f​o​l​d​s​c​o​p​e​-​india

Stay tuned to the IndiaBioscience website for more on the DBT-Prakash Lab Foldscope initiative and leave your comments here.